Double Negative
Not Available
Thanks, J! Ahh, nice! The perfect application for it. I was in an old English pub in town yesterday and did some quick shooting there. But I haven't had a chance to look at the pics yet. It's a little scary at first, with an M9/Noct hanging around your neck and lots of people with beer glasses (myself included) standing around. It's all good. I didn't buy the stuff to look at it.Congratulations - I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine
off to a gig tonight
Thanks, D! Yeah, you know how it is. Waiting for that big ticket item... Even three days is an eternity. Heh. Totally worth the "wait" though (I have to say, I got pretty lucky as it was <3m total).Fantastic! Glad it arrived safe and sound. Everyone has their own style when shooting the Noct (both the f1 and 0.95 versions) and it's always facinating to see images that uniquely demonstrate the characteristics of these lenses. Congrads!
I'm a slut for fast glass, I admit it. And if you're going to buy a lens like this, it really must be shot at/near wide open otherwise it's pointless to own...
I picked up the CV 50mm f/1.1 Nokton last year and while it's okay wide open, between the sharpness and bokeh I wasn't really feeling it. It needs to be shot a half or full stop down, IMO. That being the case, I could just use the Summilux and be a lot happier. So it's up for sale - after I do a head-to-head with the Nocti for fun and profit on La Vida Leica.