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Fuji GFX 100 II focus speed


I have a fuji GFX 50R that is great for landscape work but trying to get portraits of dogs, especially my own active one is almost impossible do to focus speed. Is the GFX 100II focusing speed much better with regard to shooting moving subjects? I use the fuji GF 110mm lens currently.


Well-known member
The GFX “II” will definitely be better than the 50R. Whether it will cut the mustard for an active dog is another story. The animal tracking is pretty good “for medium format.” Before you spend a large wad of cash “to see” - why not rent one from LensRentals and confirm / or not, that it’s a good choice. If your 50R is otherwise good for the rest of your work, the price of a GFX 100 II body could get you a really great, fast action, FF camera and fabulous and fast portrait lens.



Well-known member
The short answer: 'No'.

I work with animals quite a bit with (at one time)* Hassy H and X and GFX. The later versions of all MF cameras focus faster than their predecessors, but for capturing moving animals, no. Even rapid head movements of a stationary animal (to keep eyes in focus) would be a challenge. You'd be forcing the system to do something it was not designed for and the technology isn't ready for - yet. You could do it, but the hit rate will be very low unless under very controlled conditions and ideally w/a trained animal.

That will hopefully change as new cameras progress. I'd echo Rand47s' comments on acquiring a nice used FF body and a couple of lenses for that type of work.

*We LOVED MF files and sensor size for portraits, etc., but are moving to the Sony A1 system for the AF and tracking.