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Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

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Active member
I think in this time and culture we live in, it's very difficult to resist being drawn in and engage with negativity. It's a pervasive and effective way to get attention and create drama. I'm definitely guilty of participating in trying to counter the negative themes in this discussion. The motivation, for me, is that often negative posting on camera forums gets an outweighed presence and has the potential to distort the reality of the quality of a camera or system, in this case Hasselblad. I think of Hasselblad as a unique brand that creates cameras and systems that other camera makers either don't have the desire or courage to undertake. I don't know who will, or won't, read these endless negative posts on camera forums, but I want to try and counter negative opinions with my actual experiences, which have been overwhelmingly positive with many Hasselblad cameras. (500cm, 501cm, Flexbody, Arcbody, SWC, xPan, X1D, X1Dii & 907x-CFV 50c.

In my mind, there is a big difference between critique and negativity. Critique can often be construction where negativity almost never is.

Paul Spinnler

Well-known member
Bill – that's a good distinction; this said, on the negative poster, using words like "idiots" and extreme language is too much. The poster seems unstable, negative. He even accused me once of being racist in a rant - which is transgressive.

No one said that the cameras aren't good - I miss the 501CM I owned and regretfully sold. Hiccups like with the latest release happen - all brands at one point have hiccups. But typically posts critiquing anything relating to Hasselblad are immediately met with defensiveness as a reflex almost and then IMHO important discussions relating to new developments, e.g. Hasselblad closing service centers, inventory levels being different between big and small dealers, etc. veer into negativity.

I mean the whole situation in the end does impact buyers wanting to buy it locally, as explained by the OP who waited months to get it from CI although it was in stock. These are effective changes in how things are with that particular brand.

This has NOTHING to do with the fact that the cameras themselves are enjoyable and great tools and the joy many have with them.

We learned from Steve earlier that there seems to be sth happening in the background, including a reduction of the sales rep for the whole continent to 1 person (!); that's worthwhile news TBH. And it also seems that there has been a rollout of self-branded stores in the last months across Europe which I personally realized only through this thread.

So I think at this stage everything has been discussed and time will tell whether dealers can sort it out with Hasselblad and all other aspects ancillary to this thread (e.g. PDAF) will hopefully sort themselves out.

I often comment on business stuff as I am interested in the dynamics and in the case of Hasselblad there's more dynamics because of DJI doing a lot with the brand, but that's it. With a lot I mean re-engineering of supply chain, recent product releases, leaks out of China which get dissected quickly, etc. and ofc the history and ownership situation are special in the industry with DJI being a prominent Chinese tech company expanding globally its footprint atm.

P1 is a bit more simple, nothing happens besides cost cuts and slow innovation, Leica just does the same formula successfully and Fuji - well I think they are also very consistent tbh. Good Kaizen Japanese camera manufacturer.

In the meantime everyone can enjoy their Hasselblad gear. And to be fully clear - I am the first to call out issues with ANY brand as I am agnostic. The main reason I don't own Hasselblad gear right now is that it doesn't make sense if I have a P1 back already and for handheld I am already setup well with M and S. Its coincidence, rather than religious to be honest and in the past I owned an H50 and 501CM - so its not like I have no clue. Including a few lenses ...

I called out the X shutter issues on XT, P1's dismantling of the German sales rep network,etc. - the thread was closed and I'll also call it out if there's another big problem with another camera - if there's one. I frankly hadn't had any issue with Leica gear since the M9 corrosion issue and the two S lens AF motor replacements, but if there's sth I'll call it out ofc.

Would be great if we keep it civil, no? And critical brand commentary should be fine as long as it is fact based. IMHO.
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Active member
Would be great if we keep it civil, no? And critical brand commentary should be fine as long as it is fact based. IMHO.
The only say I have in being respectful and civil to others is my own participation. I only have control on my own words, thoughts and deeds. It really doesn't matter what other do or say. Paul, when you reread your post on this discussion do you think you have treated the other contributors to this thread with respect and civility? I believe respect is based on one's own values not relative to what they receive from others.

Paul Spinnler

Well-known member
The only say I have in being respectful and civil to others is my own participation. I only have control on my own words, thoughts and deeds. It really doesn't matter what other do or say. Paul, when you reread your post on this discussion do you think you have treated the other contributors to this thread with respect and civility? I believe respect is based on one's own values not relative to what they receive from others.
As mentioned, brand discussions around Hasselblad are often fraught with defensiveness and factual comments lead to emotional reactions, etc. and then it becomes more heated. I think a loaded question like yours is 0 helpful in that regard.

Let me ask you back - do you think asking finger pointy questions make sense when everyone left the location and lights are out?

It doesn’t make sense because then there’s again endless back and forth, right.


Active member
I think I'm qualified to comment on this, so I will. There's 2 issues. One is the recent lack of availability not just of the newer lenses, but even the standard XCD lenses. I have no clue about that. But it's real, and whatever the issue is, I hope they get past it. I would also like to mention that I am not aware of who makes the newer gen lenses, but I've been told by someone at Hasselblad that it is not Panasonic. Not that it matters, and they could be wrong, but the Panasonic name has been bandied about as fact - I don't know that it is.

The second issue is more concerning. We've been a Hasselblad dealer and supporter for many, many years, with strong relationship ties that went back decades. And every one of those employees in the USA is gone. Today, Hasselblad substantially prioritizes allocation to their own online web-store and to BH. They also split the remaining dealers into ordering from a distribution center that warehouses DJI in the USA (among other products). However, this distributor rarely ever has stock themselves because the stock is prioritized to Hasselblad’s online store or BH. We invest a tremendous amount of time and energy to produce content for Hasselblad, content that is unique, honest, technical. We make sales for Hasselblad. We're not an order taker, like BH, we're an order maker. We are marketing Hasselblad's products so they can take the sale themselves.

We are not a small volume Hasselblad dealer. When a new product comes out, like the X2D or the recent 907x/CFV 100c, yes we do order 40-50 units at a time. We're large enough to produce a bigger stake in Hasselblad. Last year was a very successful year for Hasselblad sales at CI. And yet, by our calculations, our sales were at least 30% - 40% less than what they should have been if we could simply deliver (any) lenses within a reasonable amount of time. Instead, the reasonable amount of time is restricted to their online store and BH.

In recent years, nearly every manufacturer of photographic products has created an online e-commerce store for direct sales. This isn't new, there's just more of it. And on a certain level, I understand. Many camera stores have gone under and it's hard to count on sales when you're underrepresented in large areas of the country. But there are right ways and wrong ways to do this. Hasselblad does not even list us on their own website as a dealer.

We have reached out to Hasselblad Sweden and were told we have no recourse but to continue and press our only Hasselblad USA contact, who is responsible for all of North America. We have a great relationship with this person, and he understands our value. He’s pushing for change. But it's a bit Wizard of Oz, we have him and that's it, and then there's this big curtain, and we know no one behind it. We hope for change.

Steve Hendrix/CI
It seems like a broken culture problem.
I should say "another" because they have not fixed the communication problem that they used to have.

I had a little bit of hope that DJI will fix communications because they are a modern corporation, they have not.

Hasselblad may be prioritizing B&H (I believe you) but they are doing a pretty bad job with them.
Trying to do pay First with B&H is nonsense. They have no reason to trust Hasselblad when Hasselblad took 3 years to deliver the 90mm (I like they did but I am not selling a product and paying for it in advance).

I hope they understand and improve the relationship with key dealers. I know modern corporations are in love with direct sales. From computer sales to automobile manufacturing,
but by not working well with dealers they are leaving money on the table and that is not something Hasselblad should or can do.

Finally, the 90mm is out of stock on the Hasselblad page too. I don't mind if they wait for the numbers to pile before ordering more, but they should tell, it's 2024.

Best regards.


It seems like a broken culture problem.
I should say "another" because they have not fixed the communication problem that they used to have.

I had a little bit of hope that DJI will fix communications because they are a modern corporation, they have not.

Hasselblad may be prioritizing B&H (I believe you) but they are doing a pretty bad job with them.
Trying to do pay First with B&H is nonsense. They have no reason to trust Hasselblad when Hasselblad took 3 years to deliver the 90mm (I like they did but I am not selling a product and paying for it in advance).

I hope they understand and improve the relationship with key dealers. I know modern corporations are in love with direct sales. From computer sales to automobile manufacturing,
but by not working well with dealers they are leaving money on the table and that is not something Hasselblad should or can do.

Finally, the 90mm is out of stock on the Hasselblad page too. I don't mind if they wait for the numbers to pile before ordering more, but they should tell, it's 2024.

Best regards.
I agree as a Hassy user I'm not buying anymore gear from them until I see stability from them. My goal so far is to wait until next year to invest in any medium format format camera system because all the new sensor tech that we will be seeing soon.
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Well-known member
TechTalk goes on about how it besmirches the Hasselblad name to suggest that DJI has input on decision-making.
False. I've never said that because I've never thought that. I've expressed my view clearly enough for anyone to understand... if they want to understand it.
...DJI owns the controlling shares in Hasselblad and therefore exercises ultimate control over its direction thru the executive board. But DJI isn't a person and neither is Hasselblad. They are companies which employ individual people who are "calling the shots".

I have no idea who the individual people are assigned with decision making authority over various business activities like finance, marketing, distribution, service, production, etc. My guess is there are various managers. Individuals are responsible for "calling the shots" and making decisions for which they take the credit or blame just like any other business.
Countless times, here and elsewhere, you've persisted in attributing to me statements I've never made, thoughts I've never had, and beliefs I've never held. Countless times I've asked you to stop attributing statements to me I haven't made and simply quote me. I suspect you'll continue trying to use this device to bait me into more endless circular arguments in which I end up wasting time and energy trying to disentangle what I've actually said from the words you keep shoveling into my mouth pretending I've said them.

He points to irrelevant distinctions to support his views.
I offer information for anyone interested. For anyone wanting additional supporting source material or more details, I frequently provide links. Sometimes, the person to whom I've replied likes the additional information I supply. Whether you personally may find information useful is not my primary interest when writing.

I was pointing out obvious flaws in his thinking, not criticizing Hasselblad.
Who would ever suspect you of criticizing Hasselblad?

It is a tough market and companies need to do what they feel is best for them. I find it disingenuous, however, when people romanticize and misconstrue reality. YMMV.
I don't find there's much worthy of romanticizing when discussing corporate structuring, production, and distribution. YMMV.
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Well-known member
I've resorted to ignoring a few members, which is drastic for me.
It's like sending them to the digital naughty corner — gotta love a good "mom timeout" tactic! 🤣
They'll get let out when my headache subsides, or never if the divorce papers are finalized.
And trust me, I've got my fingers crossed for that headache cure!


Well-known member
What do you think the strategy to bypass dealers like Capture Integration and sell Hasselblad direct to their customers?
I think your sentence is incoherent. Even if you edit it to make it comprehensible, after all the relentless and repetitive beating of this and other dead horses which preceded it; my reaction by now would still be the same. Marcel Marceau channeled thru the character of Archie Bunker can sum up my reaction in comic, but accurate, fashion by this point in the thread — it's beyond the point of there being any interest left and has become an incessant background noise.

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Active member
I've just received the notice that the XCD 28P is back in stock at B&H Photo. :)
Now I have to decide whether I can afford it right now, or wait for the next batch.

The XCD 28P is my most used lens. And your post inspired me to go see what B&H has in stock. I didn't see the 28P so hopefully it's because you snapped it up :). But they do have in stock and ready for 2 day shipping the:

35-75mm zoom
120mm macro
135mm w/ teleconverter

So I guess if someone is after the new versions of Hasselblad lenses then they may think there is a shortage, but it seems one could quickly purchase a nice kit.


Well-known member
I didn't get it ... The B&H notice said "limited number" so some other folks on the notification list snapped them up.
I'd decided that this wasn't quite the right time for me to buy as I have a bunch of other things that need paying for first. A month from now... :)
And ... I'm just in the honeymoon phase of learning the new Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 on my M10-M too.

I'm in no rush.

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