Jorgen Udvang
Subscriber Member
Good one Mat, and it fills another criteria as well: it shows a context.I couldn't get it to work either, will try this.
For me "street" is all about the man on the street, life as it is, I'm not entirely sure that street can even be current, I feel that the power in the old black and white images comes from the fact that it's not now, it's also not focused on diffraction, corner sharpness, mtf, evf, esp, it's just the image. I could obviously be talking utter bollocks!
Here's one that fits all of Jorgen's criteria!, b&w, 35mm, slightly out of focus and probably at f8! Must be street.
Now, I cannot like (now I can). Last night, I could not edit, so I've edited my ramblings now, heavily. Hope they make more sense. I'm not sure. Haven't had breakfast yet. I'll have some pickled herring and a cup of oolong tea to get things started