Unfortunately, both those aims seem, to me, to be mutually exclusive.
A gentle change in focus would, IMO, be more beneficial than a wholesale surgical ‘transplant’ of the site’s identity - a focus on MF to the exclusion of FF/35mm format would certainly limit the site’s appeal.
The focus of the imaging industry is moving away from still photography to motion, so though I wouldn’t suggest an expansion in that direction, it’s seems prudent to not exclude a forum dedicated to the proliferation of these new hybrid cameras (aka the new crop of FF cams) which I suspect most MF users will also own.
A pruning of the forums would help.
Medium and large format forum - as is (keep Leica there)
Printing and image processing forum. - as is
Buy and sell forum - as is
Digital camera forum- merge all into one single forum.
Other discussions forum - keep
site talk and merge all the others.
All the above posted on a WITHOUT PREJUDICE basis
Also, redesign the latest posts section so that instead of the last five posts, a list of 20-30 are easily viewed.
The nature of forums is such that I believe majority of members/visitors will, without a specific purpose, browse this list first to see if there’s a topic that’s of interest, or at least to keep up with ‘what’s going on’. Five is too limiting.
Edit #2:
I wouldn’t change the site’s name. This site has been getDPI since inception, it’s the internet address, it’s embedded in the subconscious. The name won’t define the site, the content will.
Think back to two ‘prominent’ renames - Meta & X. Even the press almost always clarify the ‘X’ as (ex-Twitter) and most, if not all, refer to Meta as ‘Facebook or FB’.