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Can it get worse Hasselblad ? Yes - it can....


Subscriber and Workshop Member
Who do they think they are, Leica?


At least Leica is producing a few lenses and ... a few ... bodies that are one the high end of photography.

Monochrom, S series, newer Karbe lenses are respectable ....

Hasselblads down market approach may precipitate their extinction....shame on them...seriously a problem when no one in management has the requisite background nor passion to do the right thing.


and I am trying to be umble


Guy Mancuso

Administrator, Instructor
Actually folks and we tend to ignore there target market which Phase and Leica are going after as well heck even I am for that matter but CHINA and Pacific Rim countries. They are buying up high dollar electronics like there is no end in sight. So yes we may laugh and even curse some of these companies but there not stupid either and see the growth over in those areas. Frankly if your a big company with a global footprint and if your not looking at that market than your pretty lame.


I don't think it will precipitate their extinction, hopefully it will make them some money that can't be spent on R&D projects. Vertu seem to sell quite a few of those crazy phones and I think wealthy people will buy into the cadet.


Well-known member
Well, someone must be certified, but I don't think that is what the marketing means...

But without the wooden handle, is it really a Hasselblad?


Well-known member
This isn't Hasselblad, it's Vertu. Vertu has been doing these ultra-luxo-priced phones for the stupidly wealthy for years.

Why blame Hasselblad for letting Vertu use the name and making some money off the stupidity? It's no worse than a lot of other stupidity in the world. :^|


Jorgen Udvang

Subscriber Member
This doesn't cost them a dime, and hopefully it earns them a few. Vertu is a well established brand and are actually Nokia phones uglified for silly rich people. They sell very well in certain parts of Asia.


Should we just considering contributing and make a takeover bid for Hasselblad?
I will be surprised if they don't sell, whatever the bid !!

Jorgen Udvang

Subscriber Member


Subscriber and Workshop Member
Watch collectors are a weird bunch. Ugliness apparently sells. I wonder why they didn't choose a German watch. Glashütte wouldn't be such a bad match for Leica, would it?
They are second tier and I doubt they would stoop to the level
that Valbray did....classic designs from Glashutte....nothing at this
level of schmalz.....

Now Swatch....something with mouse ears....



Subscriber & Workshop Member
At least a $25k watch has a decent shelf life and undoubtedly will go up in value vs down. Now an $11k phone is just dumb in my view as it'll age horribly and ultimately end up a paperweight. I've seen those jewel encrusted versions in Dubai too and can't help but feel the same way. That said, if you've got the means and this buys you a little happiness then go for it. :facesmack: you can always keep it in your elephant foot umbrella stand later.

Jorgen Udvang

Subscriber Member
They are second tier and I doubt they would stoop to the level
that Valbray did....classic designs from Glashutte....nothing at this
level of schmalz.....

Now Swatch....something with mouse ears....

What would be in style with Leica's current designs (the last 60 years or so?) would of course be the designed and manufactured in Germany Braun watches, but alas... nothing over $850 there.
