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Laowa 20mm Shift Lens on 907x? Or the more expensive Canon TS 24mm? Easy way out would be the XCD 21mm...


Well-known member
There just reports about the Laowa 20mm Shift Lens on the Fuji GFX - but how does it perform on the Hasselblad 907x?
Eventually compared to the Canon TS 24mm - which is more expensive and needs a expensive adapter (Cambo, ....).
The easy way out to get an simple wide angle would be the XCD 21mm but without shift...



Subscriber and Workshop Member
Laowa's 17mm lens on the GFX is very sharp. Their 15mm shift wasn't. I wonder about the 20mm shift - could be interesting - and it's about the same weight as the XCD 21mm.


Well-known member
Keith Cooper is an accomplished UK architectural photographer who also enjoys doing very detailed reviews of tilt-shift lenses and printers. He reviewed the Laowa 19mm on GFX and the 20mm shift on Canon. I thought he did the 20mm shift on GFX too but can't track down the article right now. His reviews are very practical and "photography first", so I find them useful.


Well-known member
Which mount would be good for the 907x?
There is a Nikon Z and Nikon F and a Canon EF Version.

Novoflex has adapters for Canon FD and Nikon (F?).
From Kipon there is a Nikon G adapter.
From Techart I found an Canon EF adapter.



Well-known member
Canon EF has the widest throat of all the "full frame" mounts, which is a plus. However, the Laowa is a fully manual lens, so a smart adapter like the Techart is a waste of money unless you're planning to use actual Canon EF mount lenses that are controlled from the body via the adapter. Fotodiox sells a non-electronic Canon EF to Hasselblad X adapter. That should work with a Laowa EF lens, but of course you won't be able to use Canon EF lenses that need to be controlled from the body (e.g., the Canon 24mm TS-E II).

So if you have no plans to ever use a Canon EF lens that has to be controlled from the body, you could try the Fotodiox. But if you think you will want to use other Canon tilt-shift lenses, then the Techart might be a good investment.


Well-known member
If the Canon EF has the widest throat, the GFX version must be wider. But as I know, there is no adapter to use GFX bayonet on the 907x - right?
Will there be vignetting from the smaller FF throats when shifting the lens?

I checked the files from the thread "added Canon TS-E 24mm vs Laowa 20mm C Dreamer Shift ".
The Laowa looks better in the corners but with some distortion.


Active member
Sorry for sidetracking this thread but I'm not sure what to do. I made a new posting last Sunday in the Image Processing section and it still hasn't been approved/posted.
How long does it take or who do I contact about getting it posted?

Kevin Slaby


Well-known member
Will there be vignetting from the smaller FF throats when shifting the lens?
That's a difficult question to answer in advance because there's more at play than just the size of the throat. For example, on GFX cameras, the top edges of the "hole" containing the sensor cause mechanical vignetting long before you run out of image circle on lenses that have very large image circles. Another factor is the design of the lens itself and what parts could interfere.

Given that the image circle on the Laowa is not very big, I would be confident that you could shift all the way to its usable edge and not be blocked by size of the mount throat. However, I haven't tried it myself so take that for what it's worth. ;)


Well-known member
What I saw so far in the files from this post the zero-d lens has some strong distortion at 8mm shift.
Maybe will decide on the XCD21.


Subscriber and Workshop Member
As long as you're careful about what will be in the final image, the XCD 21 does a damn fine job after keystone correction. It will cover almost as much as a Canon 24 TS-E, and is a lot easier to operate. The secret is to not aim up any more than is absolutely necessary. Every degree of tilt loses image width at the bottom. (Geometry available on request...)

X1D, XCD 21/4 @ f/8, 1/750, ISO 100



Well-known member
Are there any Hasselblad X users which are willing to send me some shifted raw files from the Laowa 20mm lens?
There are so many arguments for and against the Laowa/Xcd21...

It’s always shifting vs post keystone, price vs sharpness, electronic shutter vs center shutter and so on.

What is about character, rendering, handling?

Any fff-files?