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9x12cm Foma Retro 320 cut film, exposed at EI 125. Plaubel Makiflex Standard camera body, Kern-Arau 360mm F11 Repro Process lens, exposure 1/15 sec at F22, Developed in straight Microdol-X developer, 30 minutes development at 18C, in a JOBO Multitank 5. Scanned on Epson 4490 scanner. The negative is cropped somewhat (about 6.5cmx9cm) for easy scanning. Observations: Even at 30 minutes development, the negatives are quite low contrast. Also, there is a dark blue antihalation dye on the back of the film, which turned my Microdol-X BLUE! And it even turned my Kodak Rapid Fixer BLUE! After thirty minutes washing, all traces of the dye was completely rinsed away. I LIKE THIS FILM! I am so glad I have it. Of course, I am NOT following the FOMA instructions, just going by my own intuition. Since this film is not available in 120 size, this is a good alternative for me.